Shipping Policy

Due to the nature of Pre-orders, please allow 3-4 weeks for your order(s) to get to you. Trust me, they will. As I don't print in-house I have to rely on other time-frames to be able to fufill mine. ApoIogies for the inconvience.

I ship with USPS

Once the mailers are in USPS's hands, I am not liable for any lost or damaged orders upon receiving them.

I am but a tiny business and as much as I would love to hand-deliver these personally,  I try my best by packing the stickers with the same amount of care and protection that I would like to receive them. That means only hard-mailers, cellophane wrapped, and if they need to be wrapped in a bubble mailer then, by God, I will do so. I pray that USPS treats them the same way I treat them. 
Thank you for your understanding

Please see Sale Policy*